Ideal Stallholders for this event
- Animals and Pets
- Antiques & Furniture
- Art & Design
- Baby and Children Gifts and Services
- Bath & Body
- Beauty
- Books
- Candles and Wax Melts
- Cards & Gift Wrap
- Ceramics and Pottery
- Chocolate & Confectionary
- Clothing and Shoes
- Craft Supplies
- Cross Stitch & Tapestry
- Decopatch
- Dolls Houses & Miniatures
- Embroidery
- Event Catering & Event Entertainment
- Fabric Items
- Floristry & Floral Arrangements
- Garden & Outdoors
- Gifts
- Glass & Mosaic
- Gothic, Steam Punk & Alternative
- Graphics, Logos & Business Cards
- Hair Accessories & Millinery
- Handbags and Accessories
- Handmade & Handcrafted
- Holistic Therapies
- Home Decor
- Jams, Chutney & Preserves
- Jewellery
- Knitting and Crochet
- Leather
- Lingerie
- Music & Entertainment
- Mythical and Fantasy
- Needle Felt & Textile Art
- Papercraft
- Party Supplies & Home Party Events
- Personalised & Customised Gifts
- Photography
- Polymer & Fimo Clay
- Preloved
- Recycled, Ethical, Fair Trade & Organic
- Seasonal/Special Occasion
- Shabby Chic
- Sock Animals, Teddy Bears & Dolls
- Spiritual Gifts
- Toys and Games
- Vintage
- Woodcraft & Metalwork

White Court Primary Summer Fete
Date: | 12/07/2015 |
Venue: | White Court Primary School |
Address: |
Ennerdale Avenue White Court Braintree Essex CM77 7UE |
Event Organiser: | Friends of White Court School |
Organiser Contact: | Kirsty Hawkes |
Contact Number: | 07800749957 |
Number of Stalls: | 25 |
Customer Arrival Time: 12:00
Customer Departure Time: 15:00
Admission Price: £0.50
Customer Departure Time: 15:00
Admission Price: £0.50
Stallholder Arrival Time: 09:00
Stallholder Departure Time: 18:00
Cost of Stall: £20
Stallholder Departure Time: 18:00
Cost of Stall: £20
Event Type
Carnivals & FetesCraft Fairs
Fun Days & Family Fairs
Fundraising Events
School Fairs
Event Details
Our Annual Summer Fete is very well attended. We have over 600 students and located in the middle of the beautiful large garden village of Great Notley. We have over 1000 through the gate and they are looking for fantastic items to buy.We limit certain stalls to 1 each i.e. cake stall, body shop, forever living as we believe in treating stallholders well and looking after their interests.
It is an outside event so please bring along gazebos if you wish.
Please email me for forms:
Car Parking Information
You can drive onto the field to unload and set up but we will ask you to move your car before the events starts. this is a residential area but parking is available. Sponsored Advertisers