22/08/2015 to 23/08/2015
Beech Field
Beech Lane
TN27 8EX
Biddenden Tractorfest & Country Fair is back for the third year.
Come and see a collection of tractors old and new, stationary engines, and view farming implements & machines from bygone years and watch demonstrations of ploughing.
Included for the first time this year will be, “The Hurst Green Shires”, a Sheep Shearing Demonstration and Terrier Racing. There will also be “Rileys Miniature Railway”, Pony Rides, “Magic Martin”, A Circus Workshop & “The Wiggly Worm Show”, for the younger visitors.
The Arena displays will once again be headed by, “The Dog Obedience and Agility Display” and will include Morris Dancing, Birds of Prey demonstration, Tractor and Agricultural Machinery parades as well as a demonstration of, “Dog Herding Ducks”.
There will be demonstrations of Wool Spinning, Wood Turning, Basketry, Green Wood and Trug Making, or try your hand at archery or experience a helicopter flight.
There will also be a large collection of rural craft, food and catering stalls.
Your Questions Answered :
Q: Can I buy a ticket on the day?
A: Yes.
Q: Are children under 5 free?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I bring my dog?
A: Yes certainly. Well-behaved doggies kept on a lead at all times are welcome. Please clear up any little mishaps as you would normally. Thank you.
Q: Could I use my motorised scooter at Tractorfest?
A: Yes, absolutely but please be aware the site is, by its nature, a field so please take care. NO RACING.
Q: Can I bring my own food?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there a picnic area?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I have a go on any of the Tractors/machines?
A: Unfortunately, the display items (Tractors and static machines for example) are operated by their respective exhibitors and insurance restrictions do not permit members of the public to “HAVE A GO”.
Q: Is there transport to the event?
A: Yes. You may book in advance a USA Cop Car to take you to and from the showground. See the link to Cop Cars.
Q: Is there a footpath to the event?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I camp?
A: Camping is only for exhibitors.
Q: Are there disabled facilities?
A: Yes.
Q: Are there things for children to do?
A: Yes, please see the Attractions Page.
Q: Will I be able to pay for a Helicopter Flight by debit/credit card?
A: Yes – “Heli Charter” have full facilities –
Profits from this event will be used to support local organisations and local charities. The organising committee (BEST) would like to take this opportunity to thank Michael Palmer for the use of the site, and Ashford Borough Council and Biddenden Parish Council for their support.
The Committee would be delighted to hear from you.
Please contact the organisers either by email – – or phone 07934 270500.
Janet Mackay
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