Stevenage Indoor Market
Market Square
St. Georges Way
Whether you are running an established business and wish to reach more customers, or you are thinking of establishing a new business, Stevenage Indoor Market may provide just the business environment that you are looking for.
With 50 traders the Indoor Market attracts customers from all ages and backgrounds. Stalls are available from as little as £50 per week* inclusive of heating and electricity (but exclusive of business rates) and you can be up and running quickly with very low start-up costs.
If you would like to find out more about the Indoor Market please call 01438 242411
Stevenage Indoor Market, which has been trading for over 30 years, offers a lively, alternative and traditional place to shop. Located in Stevenage Town Centre, the Market provides a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Our modern Food Court and refurbished snack bar - both of which have a comfortable seating area and a takeaway service - offers a wide range of delicious food, including traditional English dishes. What's more, with its wide aisles and easy access points, the Market is ideal for disabled shoppers to visit and browse at their leisure. Add to this the Multi Storey Car Park above the Market which allows visitors to enjoy easy, ample and affordable short and long term parking, and you will see that the Indoor Market truly offers a one-stop shopping experience.
If you have not recently visited Stevenage Indoor Market why not come and give us a try, you will be pleasantly surprised by the range and quality of goods and services on offer.
Magdalena Kwiatek | Market and Estates Officer| Property & Estates Services
Stevenage Borough Council, Daneshill House, Danestrete, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 1HN
Tel : 01438 242411
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