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Arts & Crafts in Sutton Coldfield

Venue:The Parade Sutton Coldfield
Address: The Parade
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B72 1PL
Event Organiser:Bert & Gert's Markets
Organiser Contact:Jason Wilkes
Contact Number:07411251964
Number of Stalls:Variable
Customer Arrival Time: 09:00
Customer Departure Time: 17:00
Admission Price: FREE
Stallholder Arrival Time: 08:00
Stallholder Departure Time: 17:00
Cost of Stall: £30
Event Type
Craft Fairs
Event Details
Arts & Crafts in Sutton Coldfield

Our Mission

To support, encourage and promote small, local businesses and to bring arts, crafts and vintage to a wider audience.

We organise arts, crafts and vintage events across the country.

Whilst we love handmade items, we don't insist on everything being handmade but do encourage an arts and crafts feel to events.

We operate on a regular basis in areas that have proven high levels of footfall and give you an opportunity to bring your business to the attention of thousands of people.

We seek to work in partnership with the venues we work with, to the benefit of the venues,our traders and the local community.

We seek to give you the opportunity to grow your hobbies and passions in to a successful business.

Bert and Gert's are now bringing our great mix of arts, crafts and vintage to Sutton Coldfield on the 1st Saturday of the month.

From May to September we also have dates on the third Saturday

of the month.

Stalls are priced at £30 on the 1st Saturday of the month & £30 for the 3rd Saturday May to Sept.www.bertandgerts.co.uk/bert--gerts-markets.html
Car Parking Information
Local Paid Parking Available
The Marketplace
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