Ideal Stallholders for this event
- Animals and Pets
- Art & Design
- Bath & Body
- Cakes & Baked Goods
- Candles and Wax Melts
- Cards & Gift Wrap
- Ceramics and Pottery
- Chocolate & Confectionary
- Craft Supplies
- Cross Stitch & Tapestry
- Decopatch
- Embroidery
- Fabric Items
- Face Painting & Glitter Tattoos
- Food and Drink
- Garden & Outdoors
- Gifts
- Glass & Mosaic
- Handbags and Accessories
- Handmade & Handcrafted
- Home Decor
- Jams, Chutney & Preserves
- Jewellery
- Knitting and Crochet
- Leather
- Music & Entertainment
- Mythical and Fantasy
- Needle Felt & Textile Art
- Papercraft
- Personalised & Customised Gifts
- Seasonal/Special Occasion
- Shabby Chic
- Sock Animals, Teddy Bears & Dolls
- Stationery & Invitations
- Toys and Games

Fun Day with Fun Dog Show - Lancashire
Date: | 28/08/2023 |
Venue: | Walmer Bridge Village Hall |
Address: |
Gill Lane Walmer Bridge Preston Lancashire PR4 5GN |
Event Organiser: | Craft Flair |
Organiser Contact: | Barbara Lawson |
Contact Number: | 07854502724 |
Number of Stalls: | 40 |
Customer Arrival Time: 12:00
Customer Departure Time: 17:00
Admission Price: £0.00
Customer Departure Time: 17:00
Admission Price: £0.00
Stallholder Arrival Time: 08:30
Stallholder Departure Time: 18:00
Cost of Stall: £30
Stallholder Departure Time: 18:00
Cost of Stall: £30
Event Type
Carnivals & FetesCraft Fairs
Farmers Markets
Fun Days & Family Fairs
Fundraising Events
Pet Shows & Animal Displays
Event Details
A variety of handmade and gift stalls. Lots of activities for all the family including bouncy castles, raffle, tombola, Punch and Judy, Fairground, Coconut Shy, Bat the Rat and much more.Fun Dog Show
Come along and join in the fun.
Stalls still available
Refreshments available
Please provide your own 6ft x 2ft table in the marquee or use your own gazebo
Car Parking Information
Large Free Car Park with Disabled parking. Sponsored Advertisers