The Horn Park Community Centre is held in trust and managed on behalf of the local community by the Horn Park Community Association.
We are a small, local, volunteer run, Charity registered Community Centre and we are running the monthly Craft and Collectable Fairs to raise funds to keep the centre running.
We are open to all types of craft and collectables and would particularly like local crafts people to attend.
We advertise on Facebook and Twitter as well as our own website here
Entrance to the Monthly Craft & Collectable Fair is free and there is also free parking.
The 2015 dates for our Craft & Collectable Fairs are the first Saturday of every month and can be found on Stall & Craft Collective here.
We hope through this year that we get ourselves well known for good quality products at all our fairs.
Further Information About Our Monthly Craft & Collectable Fairs
Doors open at 12 noon
Access for stallholders is from 11.00am.
£10 per stallholder IN ADVANCE
*(see below for payment details)
£15.00 per stallholder ON THE DAY
Light refreshments available on sale.
The Craft Fair closes at 3.00pm
To book a stall call 0208 851 6131 or email
*pay at the centre during opening hours in advance, or pay by BACS:
HSBC account 51043250 sort code 40-02-39 for Horn Park Community Association
for reference, use Craft Fair.
Please do not pay by cheque.
Thank You
Horn Park Community Association
If Stall & Craft Collective can help you with any queries please contact us here.
Stall & Craft Collective - Nationwide Event Listings, Online Craft And Gift Fair, Stallholder Directory, News, Interviews And More.
To Find An Event Click Here
To Find A Stallholder Click Here
To View Our Online Craft & Gift Market 'The Marketplace' Click Here