Kids Who Write Organisation
Overview: believes that all children should be actively encouraged to read and write well in their own language and, if possible in other languages. Unfortunately these days’ young people are more inclined to use abbreviated language, particularly when texting. By not using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling youngsters may not be aware that this could have an adverse effect upon their future working life; much like not being able to add up. This lack of good grammar is becoming noticeable when reading the written words of younger people.
Through the writing medium a child is able to use their imagination and creativity when developing their own stories. also believes that some children could use writing as a good way to express their emotions and feelings, especially if they cannot physically explain what they are experiencing. Writing gives youngsters an anonymous outlet in which to express themselves and by unloading their inner fears in a safe way.
Without up and coming writers the book world will diminish so would like to see all children being shown the doorway into the joys of reading and writing. In order to help young writers develop in this craft is developing a programme where we can call upon experienced writers, and others within the world of writing, to join us. By utilising their own experiences and journeys within the world of writing we feel these writers can encourage future generations. works for the benefit of children and operates with funds generated by donation, from the sale of special products and through the contributions of other individual’s time.
To encourage young people of all abilities to become involved within the writing and other creative industries.
To develop future writers, artists and illustrators within the writing world.
To aid this development through mentoring and encouragement.
To advise young writers on how to write and express themselves.
To aid and help young writers become an Indie published author.
To other services that will benefit the future progress of any writer, artist or illustrator from start to finish.
How we Work: creates and develops links with new writers of all ages who have the desire to be involved in the craft of writing by offering them advice and assistance in order for them to achieve their goal of seeing their work in a published format.
Working alongside our sister organisation Pen & Ink Designs we endeavour to connect and work with professional writers as well other experienced people within the writing world: eg artists, illustrators, reviewers, editors and possibly journalists. These mentors are or must be experienced in their chosen area with a good reputation and public presence within the writing industry.
By linking up-and-coming writers with these experienced people we feel that future novelists, poets, and journalists can receive advice regarding the manner of their writing, the use of correct grammar, production of their particular written work as well as learning about artwork, editing and publishing. We do try to link with those who write especially for children as we feel they have an understanding of the younger child’s thought processes.
Safe Communications:
At the moment most of our work is carried out via the internet and so is very much aware of the necessity to keep children safe and secure. It is therefore our policy that a child’s parents are involved and kept updated with copies of all communications and associate content in order that they are reassured that their child is safe and protected.
To achieve this all internet communications are forwarded through our secure email system where the content is vetted prior to forwarding to any child. We do not under any circumstances encourage direct contact with a child without parental consent. We also insist that no child gives a mentor any direct contact details nor does the mentor request such details.
Joining our group is mainly by invitation only although we will consider a request to join us. However, such a request means we will carry out strict reviews of that person including Police checks and other such checks. We will reserve the right to refuse such a request if we feel the person is unsuitable.
Team Members:
Principle – Ann Brady
Our principle Ann Brady is a writer with many years’ experience in both factual and fictional writing. Her work has been published in newspapers and magazines through advertorials and editorials. She was commissioned to write some pieces for an ‘A’ Level Tutorial Booklet and has also created and written over 200 editorials for a 3 times x award winning website.
Over the last few years Ann has concentrated on fictional writing having written, and published a Historical novel, 3 x Illustrated Children’s Short Story Books and a Mystery Short Story book.
Through her alternate business Pen & Ink Designs Ann offers services which include mentoring to older writers, reviewing and editing, as well creating websites for writers.
Currently Ann mentors two young writers. Both have been published and their work is for sale on Amazon, on the website as well as through other outlets. Through her mentoring she advises, reviews, edits and promotes their work. She also works and mentors older writers.
Ann is always available to offer new writers (of any age) any assistance in their efforts to develop their chosen craft.
Ann has been DBS (formerly CRB) checked.
Other Team Members details to be added shortly.
Other Services Offered:
As an organisation we work alongside our sister company Pen & Ink Designs where we offer the following services to all new and developing writers regardless of age. Please feel free to contact us should you require any assistance.
* Advice on writing
* Mentoring with regular advice and support
* Copy typing, reviewing and editing
* Proof Reading, grammar, spelling and layout checks
* Help with self-publishing
* Website design, creation and site administration
* Production of a Media Kit
* Assistance/advice on how to Market your work
* Links to our websites and social media sites
* Assistance with any other aspect of your writing
* Representation if required
If you want to learn more about working alongside us or require some more information on the services we offer then please visit our website : or our Stall & Craft Collective Page HERE
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