Ideal Stallholders for this event
- Animals and Pets
- Antiques & Furniture
- Art & Design
- Baby and Children Gifts and Services
- Bath & Body
- Beauty
- Books
- Cakes & Baked Goods
- Candles and Wax Melts
- Cards & Gift Wrap
- Ceramics and Pottery
- Chocolate & Confectionary
- Clothing and Shoes
- Craft Supplies
- Cross Stitch & Tapestry
- Decopatch
- Embroidery
- Event Catering & Event Entertainment
- Fabric Items
- Face Painting & Glitter Tattoos
- Floristry & Floral Arrangements
- Food and Drink
- Garden & Outdoors
- Gifts
- Glass & Mosaic
- Gothic, Steam Punk & Alternative
- Graphics, Logos & Business Cards
- Hair Accessories & Millinery
- Handbags and Accessories
- Handmade & Handcrafted
- Holistic Therapies
- Home Decor
- Jewellery
- Knitting and Crochet
- Leather
- Lingerie
- Music & Entertainment
- Needle Felt & Textile Art
- Papercraft
- Party Supplies & Home Party Events
- Personalised & Customised Gifts
- Photography
- Polymer & Fimo Clay
- Recycled, Ethical, Fair Trade & Organic
- Seasonal/Special Occasion
- Shabby Chic
- Sock Animals, Teddy Bears & Dolls
- Spiritual Gifts
- Stationery & Invitations
- Toys and Games
- Vintage
- Wedding
- Woodcraft & Metalwork

Open Farm Sunday with Food and Craft Fair, Hazeldene Farm, Chesham, Bucks HP5 2XD
Date: | 08/06/2014 |
Venue: | Hazeldene Farm |
Address: |
Asheridge Road Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 2XD |
Event Organiser: | Hazeldene Farm |
Organiser Contact: | Jenny Dell |
Contact Number: | 07582630883 |
Number of Stalls: | 30 |
Customer Arrival Time: 11:00
Customer Departure Time: 16:00
Admission Price: 1.00 Adults / Under 16's
Customer Departure Time: 16:00
Admission Price: 1.00 Adults / Under 16's
Stallholder Arrival Time: 08:30
Stallholder Departure Time: 16:30
Cost of Stall: £20.00 to £30.00
Stallholder Departure Time: 16:30
Cost of Stall: £20.00 to £30.00
Event Type
Agricultural ShowsBook Sales
Country & County Shows
Craft Fairs
Farmers Markets
Food Shows
Fundraising Events
Event Details
Open Farm Sunday is a fantastic opportunity for everyone, young and old, to meet farmers who grow their food and care for the countryside and to discover first-hand what it means to be a farmer. We take part in this Annual event and we are proud to be supporting LEAF, the organisation behind this event
Hazeldene is a rare breeds farm with British Lop pigs, Oxford Down sheep, Traditional Herefords and rare breed chickens. We raise our animals on Organic Principles
Activities during the day include:
• Guided farm walk with Farmer Steve
• Nature trail around the farm
• Host of activities and rides for children
• Ice Cream Van
• Farmers market with local producers
• Craft fair featuring local artisans
• Meet the young lambs and piglets
• Try your hand on the air rifle range.
• Farm Grill throughout the day plus tea, coffee, cold drinks and sumptuous cakes.
• Farm shop open 10-4pm as usual selling our own farm and local artisans produce
This is a great day out for all the family
Ticket prices are £1.00 Adults and Under 16’s are
Car Parking Information
Free Car Parking Sponsored Advertisers

