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Prom Art - The Largest Open-Air Art And Crafts Fair In Cumbria
Posted on: 16.06.2018 by Geraud Markets
Professional And Hobby Artists Are Very Welcome
Cumbria | 16.06.2018

Prom Art Showcases Art And Crafts Along The Victorian Promenade At Grange-Over-Sands, Cumbria In The Southern Lake District. 

The Prom has more then 70 stalls of original work and overlooks the beautiful Morecambe Bay estuary. Prom Art is the best and largest Art and crafts fair in Cumbria.

Stroll along the Promenade and browse stall after stall of original art, photography and crafts.
Chat to the exhibitors, enjoy performing arts and live music while taking in the stunning backdrop of Morecambe Bay with its unique wildlife and habitats.
Then explore the lovely town of Grange-over-Sands with its vibrant cafe society.
Forthcoming Events
Sunday 24th June
Sunday 29th July
Sunday 26th August
Sunday 30th September
New Exhibitors – before you book
All disciplines of art and crafts will be considered. Artists who have not already exhibited with us may be asked to send photographs of their work or their website to accompany their application.
Please note that we do not accept bought in work and we will not hesitate to remove an exhibitor from a show for selling work not made by themselves.
Professional and Hobby artists are very welcome.
How to Book
To book please call Geraud’s Markets Julie Donnely directly on 0151 363 5411.
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